Top Advantages Of A Mesh Network

Learn more about the advantages of a mesh network that are available to our CommScope RUCKUS Network Partners.

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Regardless of where you live, work, or visit, you deserve the best wireless connection possible. As technology advances, users expect high-speed Wi-Fi on all of their devices. Consequently, network solutions for older buildings and multi-floor homes and facilities must also evolve. For your customers who are unable or unwilling to run cables, consider the advantages of a mesh network.

Mesh Networks Provide Flexible, Reliable, And Scalable Solutions

Reliability, flexibility, and scalability are the most important attributes of a wireless network. Mesh networks offer flexible solutions for deployment scenarios with line-of-sight obstacles that hinder PMP solutions. Instead of communicating back to a base station, mesh network APs enable users to seamlessly connect with the most performant AP at any location in the network.

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Mesh Network Redundancy

Redundancy can eliminate any single point of failure on the network. In a mesh network, redundant routes allow connectivity even when APs fail due to an issue like a power outage. Even if you lose the master AP, the network will determine a new master AP without impacting the end user. Because redundancy is fundamental to the mesh network, your customers can expect continuous and seamless connectivity.

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Additional Advantages Of A Mesh Network

Scalability  Respond to your customers’ needs by adding or removing APs as needed.

Extends existing Internet connections even in high-density environments.


Faster connectivity can be achieved with a mesh network.

Configuration In a mesh network, nodes configure themselves, which makes the network more resilient.

As a CommScope RUCKUS Networks Partner, you have access to experts who can help you determine the right mesh network for your deployment needs.

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